Methane: a solution against climate change?

Published by Redbran - Sunday, August 4, 2024 - Other Languages: FR, DE, ES, PT
Source: Frontiers in Science

The importance of methane in climate change is often underestimated. However, this greenhouse gas, although less abundant than carbon dioxide, has a significant impact on our climate. Today, researchers unveil an innovative plan to reduce methane emissions effectively.

Methane, which has contributed nearly half to the current global warming, is seeing its emissions rise rapidly. An international team of researchers, in Frontiers in Science, presents three measures to reduce these emissions and introduces a new tool to identify the most cost-effective methods.

Methane has long received less attention than carbon dioxide, despite its potential for rapid warming. Professor Drew Shindell from Duke University emphasizes the urgency of reducing methane emissions to immediately slow down warming.

The scientists have identified three priority areas. First, directly reducing methane emissions. Second, coordinating these efforts with those aimed at carbon dioxide. Finally, encouraging and implementing methane reduction measures.

Each ton of methane emitted in 2020 caused damages valued between 470 and 1,700 US dollars. Considering the effects on air pollution and human health, this cost could reach 7,000 dollars per ton. Reducing methane is thus not only vital for the environment but also economically advantageous.

Unlike carbon dioxide, methane does not remain in the atmosphere for long, making emission reductions more rapidly effective. Immediate action could eliminate 90% of accumulated methane in 30 years.

To help countries choose the most effective measures, an online tool has been developed. Depending on national specifics, strategies may vary, from regulating fossil fuel production to managing landfills. Citizens can also contribute by changing their consumption habits and supporting environmental policies.
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