It's proven: a simple gaze between dog and human can create a neural connection

Published by Adrien,
Source: Advanced Science
Other Languages: FR, DE, ES, PT

The interactions between humans and dogs hide many mysteries. A new discovery reveals that our brains could be connected in a way never before observed: a neural bond that forms when our gazes meet.

This phenomenon, called "neural coupling," shows that our brains and those of dogs synchronize their activities when they share a moment of eye contact.

Interactions between dogs and humans can create an unprecedented neural bond. This phenomenon could strengthen the bond between us and our companions.

Researchers in China conducted the first study demonstrating this neural coupling between two different species. Using electroencephalography (EEG), they recorded the brain signals of dogs and humans during different interactions, including moments when they did not look at each other and others when they gazed at one another. The result: when the dog and the human shared a moment of gaze accompanied by petting, their brains "aligned" in areas related to attention.

This phenomenon intensified as the bond between the dog and the person grew stronger. The more time the participants spent together, the more their brain signals synchronized. This is reminiscent of similar observations in humans, where greater familiarity leads to greater neural synchronization.

The study also examined the impact of genetic mutations, notably in the Shank3 gene, known to affect brain connections in areas related to attention. In dogs carrying this mutation, neural coupling was diminished, which can be explained by difficulties in neuronal communication. This same gene is also associated with autism spectrum disorders in humans.

The researchers went further by administering a dose of LSD, a hallucinogen, to these mutant dogs. Surprisingly, this substance restored neural coupling and improved the animals' attention. This phenomenon has already been observed in mice and humans but raises ethical questions about the use of such substances to enhance social interactions in animals.

Although much remains to be discovered about this neural coupling between dogs and humans, this study opens up perspectives on how we could better understand and strengthen our relationship with our four-legged companions. The next time your dog looks you in the eye, remember that your brains may well be synchronizing, thus strengthening your bond.

What is neural coupling?

Neural coupling refers to the synchronization of brain activities between two or more individuals when they interact. This often occurs during conversations or emotional exchanges, where the brains of each individual "align."

This phenomenon plays a key role in our social interactions. It allows for better mutual understanding, facilitates communication, and can even strengthen collaboration or learning within a group.

In humans, this type of synchronization has been widely observed during discussions, but it also occurs in other social species, such as primates or rodents, during their social interactions.

For the first time, scientists have shown that neural coupling can also occur between different species, particularly between dogs and humans. This could explain why dogs are so responsive to our emotions and strengthen the emotional bond between us.
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