Inorganic Syntheses - Définition

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Inorganic Syntheses  
Titre abrégé Inorg. Synth.
Discipline Chimie Inorganique
Langue Anglais
Directeur de publication Herbert D. Kaesz
Maison d’édition John Wiley & Sons ( États-Unis  États-Unis)
Période de publication 1939 à aujourd'hui

Inorganic Syntheses (abrégé en Inorg. Synth.) est une série de livres qui depuis 1939 vise à publier les procédures « détaillés et vérifiées » de synthèses de composés inorganiques. De la même façon existe la série Organic Syntheses, qui est elle en libre accès.

L'actuel directeur de publication est Herbert D. Kaesz (Université de Californie à Los Angeles, États-Unis).


Volume (Année) ISBN DOI Editeur(s), affiliation(s)
v. 36 (en préparation) NA NA Thomas B. Rauchfuss, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
v. 35 (sous presse) NA NA Alfred P. Sattelberger, Argonne National Laboratory
v. 34 (2004) 9780471647508 10.1002/0471653683 John R. Shapley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
v. 33 (2002) 9780471208259 10.1002/0471224502 Dimitri Coucouvanis, University of Michigan
v. 32 (1998) 9780471249214 10.1002/9780470132630 Marcetta. Y. Darensbourg, Texas A&M University
v. 31 (1997) 9780471152880 10.1002/9780470132623 Alan H. Cowley, University of Texas at Austin
v. 30 (1995) 9780471305088 10.1002/9780470132616 Donald W. Murphy, AT&T Bell Laboratories

Leonard V. Interrante, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

v. 29 (1992) 9780471544708 10.1002/9780470132609 Russell N. Grimes, University of Virginia
v. 28 (1990) 9780471526193 10.1002/9780470132593 Robert J. Angelici, Iowa State University
v. 27 (1990) 9780471509769 10.1002/9780470132586 10.1002/9780470132586 Alvin P. Ginsberg, AT&T Bell Laboratories
v. 26 (1989) 9780471504856 10.1002/9780470132579 Herbert D. Kaesz, Université de Californie à Los Angeles
v. 25 (1989) 9780471618744 10.1002/9780470132562 Harry R. Allcock, Pennsylvania State University
v. 24 (1986) 9780471834410 10.1002/9780470132555 Jean’ne M. Shreeve, Université d'Idaho
v. 23 (1985) 9780471818731 10.1002/9780470132548 Stanley Kirschner, Wayne State University
v. 22 (1983) 9780471888871 10.1002/9780470132531 Smith L. Holt, Jr., Oklahoma State University
v. 21 (1982) 9780471865209 10.1002/9780470132524 John P. Fackler, Jr., Case Western Reserve University
v. 20 (1980) 9780471077152 10.1002/9780470132517 Daryle H. Busch, Ohio State University
v. 19 (1979) 9780471045427 10.1002/9780470132500 Duward F. Shriver, Northwestern University
v. 18 (1978) 9780471033936 10.1002/9780470132494 Bodie E. Douglas, University of Pittsburgh
v. 17 (1977) 9780470131794 10.1002/9780470132487 10.1002/9780470132487 Alan G. MacDiarmid, University of Pennsylvania
v. 16 (1976) 9780470131787 10.1002/9780470132470 Fred Basolo, Northwestern University
v. 15 (1974) 9780470131763 10.1002/9780470132463 George W. Parshall, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
v. 14 (1973) 9780470131749 10.1002/978047013245 Aaron Wold, Brown University

John K. Ruff, University of Georgia

v. 13 (1972) 9780470131725 10.1002/9780470132449 Frank Albert Cotton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
v. 12 (1970) 9780470131718 10.1002/9780470132432 Robert W. Parry, University of Utah
v. 11 (1968) 9780470131701 10.1002/9780470132425 William L. Jolly, University of California, Berkeley
v. 10 (1967) 9780470131695 10.1002/9780470132418 Earl L. Muetterties, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
v. 9 (1967) 9780470131688 10.1002/9780470132401 S. Young Tyree, Jr., College of William and Mary
v. 8 (1966) 9780470131671 10.1002/9780470132395 Henry F. Holtzclaw, Jr., Université du Nebraska
v. 7 (1963) 9780470131664 10.1002/9780470132388 Jacob Kleinberg, University of Kansas
v. 6 (1960) 9780470131657 10.1002/9780470132371 Eugene G. Rochow, Harvard University
v. 5 (1957) 9780470131640 10.1002/9780470132364 Therald Moeller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
v. 4 (1953) 9780470131633 10.1002/9780470132357 John C. Bailar, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
v. 3 (1950) 9780470131626 10.1002/9780470132340 Ludwig F. Audrieth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
v. 2 (1946) 9780470131619 10.1002/9780470132333 W. Conard Fernelius, Syracuse University
v. 1 (1939) 9780470131602 10.1002/9780470132326 Harold Simmons Booth, Western Reserve University
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