Priestley, paint à la fin de sa vie par Rembrandt Peale (vers 1800)
Cette liste des œuvres de Joseph Priestley classifie tous les ouvrages de Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), philosophe naturel britannique, prêtre dissident, philosophe politique, théologien et enseignant. Il est plus connu pour sa découverte, concomitante à celle d'Antoine Lavoisier, de l'oxygène.
Membre d'une congrégation religieuse marginale durant toute sa vie et partisan de ce qu'on nommait les « Dissidents rationalistes », Priestley préconise la tolérance religieuse et l'égalité des droits pour les Dissidents. Il plaide pour des droits civiques élargis, dans des œuvres importantes comme Essay on the First Principles of Government, étant convaincu que les individus apportent le progrès qui ne peut finalement déboucher que sur le Millénaire ; il est le principal commentateur britannique du providentialisme. Priestley fait également des contributions importantes dans le domaine de l'enseignement, par des publications comme The Rudiments of English Grammar, un ouvrage sur la grammaire anglaise. Dans ses contributions à l'éducation, il préconise l'enseignement des arts libéraux et insiste sur l'importance de l'étude de l'histoire moderne. Dans ses travaux sur la métaphysique, Priestley « tente de combiner le théisme, le matérialisme et le déterminisme », un projet qui sera souvent décrit comme « audacieux et original ».
Durant toute son existence, Priestley est non seulement connu comme polémiste politique et théologique, mais aussi comme physicien. Sa réputation scientifique repose sur son invention de l'eau gazeuse, des travaux sur l'électricité et la découverte de plusieurs gaz, le plus fameux étant le dephlogisticated air (l'oxygène gazeux). Cependant, sa détermination à rejeter la « nouvelle chimie » de Lavoisier et à défendre la théoriephlogistique l'ont considérablement éloigné de la communauté scientifique.
Cette liste des œuvres de Joseph Priestley est reprise de l'ouvrage A Bibliography of Joseph Priestley 1733-1804 (connu aussi sous d'autres titres) de Ronald E. Crook et suit étroitement ses subdivisions génériques. Tous les textes sont de Joseph Priestley et cette liste ne comporte que les premières éditions anglaises et quelques traductions françaises disponibles en ligne.
Œuvres théologiques et religieuses
Couverture du premier volume de Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion (2nd ed.) de Priestley
—. The Scripture Doctrine of Remission. Londres: Imprimé par C. Henderson; R. Griffiths; et P. A. De Hondt, 1761.
—. No Man Liveth to Himself, a Sermon preached before the Assembly of Protestant Dissenting-Ministers, of the counties of Lancaster and Chester, met at Manchester May 16, 1764... Warrington: n.p., 1764.
—. A Catechism for Children and Young Persons. Londres: n.p., 1767.
—. A Free Address to Protestant Dissenters on the Subject of the Lord's Supper. London: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1768.
—. Considerations on Differences of Opinion among Christians. London: Imprimé pur J. Johnson and J. Payne, 1769.
—. A Serious Address to Masters of Families, with Forms of Family-Prayer. London: Imprimé par J. Johnson and J. Payne, 1769.
—. Additions to the Address to Protestant Dissenters, on the Subject of the Lord's Supper. London: Imprimé pour Joseph Johnson, 1770.
—. A Familiar Illustration of Certain Passages of Scripture relating to the power of man to do the Will of God, Original Sin, Election and Reprobation, the Divinity of Christ and Atonement for Sin by the Death of Christ. Leeds, n.p., 1770.
—. Letters to the Author of Remarks on Several Late Publications Relative to the DissentersImprimé pour J. Johnson, 1770.
—. An Appeal to the Serious and Candid Professors of Christianity. Leeds: n.p., 1771.
—. Letters and Queries Addressed to the Anonymous Answerer of an Appeal to the Serious and Candid Professors of Christianity. Leeds: Vendu par J. Binns, 1771.
—. A Scripture Catechism, consisting of a Series of Questions, with References to the Scriptures. n.l: n.p., 1772.
—. Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. Vol. 1. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1772.
—. Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. Vol. 2. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1773.
—. An Address to Protestant Dissenters on Giving the Lord's Supper to Children. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1773.
—. A Sermon Preached before the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Mill-Hill Chapel in Leeds, May 16, 1773 . . . On Occasion of his resigning his Pastoral Office among them. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1773.
—. Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. Vol. 3. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1774.
—. A Letter to a Layman, on the Subject of the Rev. Mr. Lindsey's Proposal for a Reformed English Church. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Wilkie, 1774.
—. Harmony of the Evangelists, in Greek. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1777.
—. The Doctrine of Divine Influence on the Human Mind, considered, in a Sermon [on Matt. 18:3-20]. Bath: Imprimé par R. Cruttwell; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1779.
—. A Harmony of the Evangelists in English. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1780.
—. Two Letters to Dr. Newcome, Bishop of Waterford. On the Duration of our Saviour's Ministry. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson and Rollason, pour J. Johnson, London, 1780.
—. A Third Letter to Dr. Newcome, Bishop of Waterford, on the Duration of our Saviour's Ministry. Birmingham: Imprimé par Piercy and Jones, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1781.
—. A Sermon [on John 17:19] preached December the 31st, 1780, at the New Meeting in Birmingham, on undertaking the Pastoral Office in that Place. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson and Rollason, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1781.
—. The Proper Constitution of a Christian Church, considered in A Sermon [on Revelation 3:2], preached at the New Meeting in Birmingham, November 3, 1782. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson et Rollason, 1782.
—. Two Discourses; I. On Habitual Devotion, II. On the Duty of not living to Ourselves; Both Preached to Assemblies of Protestant Dissenting Ministers, and published at their Request. Birmingham: Imprimé par Piercy and Jones, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1782.
—. An History of the Corruptions of Christianity. Birmingham: Imprimé par Piercy et Jones, pour J. Johnson, 1782.
—. Forms of Prayer and other Offices for the Use of Unitarian Societies. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson and Rollason, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1783.
—. A Reply to the Animadversions on the History of the Corruptions of Christianity. n.l.:, n.p., 1783.
—. A General View of the Arguments for the Unity of God; and against the Divinity and Pre-existence of Christ, from Reason, from the Scriptures, and from History. Birmingham: Imprimé par Piercy and Jones, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1783.
—. Letters to Dr. Horsley, in Answer to his Animadversions on the History of the Corruptions of Christianity. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson et Rollason, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1783.
—. Defences of the History of the Corruptions of Christianity. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1783-6.
—. Letters to Dr. Horsley, Part II. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson and Rollason, pour J. Johnson, London, 1784.
—. The Importance and Extent of Free Inquiry in Matters of Religion: a Sermon, preached before the Congregation of the Old and New Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Birmingham. Birmingham: Imprimé par M. Swinney; pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1785.
—. Letters to Dr. Horsley, Part III. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson and Rollason, for J. Johnson, London, 1786.
—. An History of the Early Opinions Concerning Jesus Christ . . . Proving that the Christian Religion Was at First Unitarian. Birmingham: Imprimé pour l'auteur, par Pearson et Rollason, et vendu par J. Johnson, 1786.
Couverture de An History of the Corruptions of Christianity de Priestley
—. Letters to the Jews; inviting them to an Amicable Discussion of the Evidences of Christianity. Birmingham: Imprimé par Pearson et Rollason; vendu par J. Johnson, 1786.
—. Letters to the Jews, Part II. Birmingham: Imprimé pour l'auteur, par Pearson et Rollason; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1787.
—. Discourses on Various Subjects. Birmingham: Imprimé pour l'auteur, par Pearson et Rollason; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1787.
—. Defences of Unitarianism for the Year 1786. Londres: n.p., 1787–90.
—. Letters to Dr. Horne . . . to the Young Men, who are in a Course of Education for the Christian Ministry, at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Birmingham: Imprimé pour l'auteur par Pearson et Rollason; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1787.
—. Defences of Unitarianism for the Year 1787. Birmingham: Imprimé pour l'auteur par Pearson et Rollason; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1788.
—. Letters to Dr. Geddes. Birmingham: n.p., 1788.
—. A Sermon [on Luke 10:36-7] on the Subject of the Slave Trade; delivered to a Society of Protestant Dissenters, at the New Meeting, in Birmingham. Birmingham: Imprimé pour l'auteur par Pearson et Rollason, vendu par J. Johnson, 1788.
—. The Conduct to be Observed by Dissenters, in Order to Procure the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts, recommended in a Sermon [on 1 Cor. 7:21], prêché avant les Congrégations des Vieilles et Nouvelles Réunions , à Birmingham, le 5 novembre 1789. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1789.
—. Defences of Unitarianism for the Years 1788 and 1789. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson, pour J. Johnson, Londres, [vers 1790].
—. Familiar Letters addressed to the Inhabitants of Birmingham, in Refutation of several Charges, advanced against the Dissenters. Birmingham: Imprimé par F. Thompson; et vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1790.
—. A View of Revealed Religion; A Sermon, preached at the Ordination of the Rev. William Field of Warwick, July 12, 1790. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1790.
—. Letters to the Rev. Edward Burn . . . in Answer to his, on the Infallibility of the Apostolic Testimony, concerning the Person of Christ. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1790.
—. Letter to Candidates for Orders in Both Universities on Subscription to Articles of Religion. Cambridge et Londres: Vendu par J & J. Merrill and J. Bowtell, Cambridge; D. Prince and J. Johnson, London, [1790].
—. Reflection on Death: A Sermon [on Matt. 24:26], on Occasion of the Death of the Rev. Robert Robinson, of Cambridge, Delivered at the New Meeting in Birmingham, June 13, 1790. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Belcher; vendu par J. Johnson, Londres, 1790.
—. The Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus considered, in a Discourse first delivered in the Assembly-room at Buxton, on Sunday, September 19, 1790. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1790.
—. The Proper Objects of Education in the Present State of the World Represented in a Discourse delivered on Wednesday, April 27, 1791. At the Meeting-House in the Old-Jewry, London; to the Supporters of the New College at Hackney. Londres: J. Johnson, 1791.
—. A Discourse [on Luke 20:38] on Occasion of the Death of Dr. Price; delivered at Hackney, on Sunday, May 1, 1791. London: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1791.
—. Letters to the Members of the New Jerusalem Church, formed by Baron Swedenborg. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson; vendu par J. Johnson, London, 1791.
—. An Address to the Methodists. Birmingham: Imprimé par Thomas Pearson; et vendu par J. Johnson, London, 1791.
—. The Evidences of the Resurrection of Jesus considered, in a Discourse . . . To which is added, an Address to the Jews. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1791.
—. The Duty of Forgiveness of Injuries: A Discourse [on Luke 23:24], intended to be delivered soon after the Riots in Birmingham. Birmingham: Imprimé par J. Thompson, pour J. Johnson, Londres, 1791.
—. A Particular Attention to the Instruction of the Young recommended, in a Discourse [on 2 Cor. 8:9], delivered at the Gravel-Pit Meeting, in Hackney, December 4, 1791, on entering on the Office of Pastor to the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters, assembling in that Place. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1791.
—. Letters to a Young Man, occasioned by Mr. Wakefield's Essay on Public Worship. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1792.
—. Letters to a Young Man, Part II. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1793.
—. Letters to the Philosophers and Politicians of France, on the Subject of Religion. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1793.
—. A Sermon [on Psalm 46:1] Preached at the Gravel-Pit Meeting in Hackney, April 19, 1793. Being the Day appointed for a General Fast. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1793.
—. A Continuation of Letters to the Philosophers and Politicians of France, on the Subject of Religion. Northumberland: Imprimé par Andrew Kennedy, 1794.
—. An Answer to Mr. Paine's Age of Reason, being a Continuation of Letters to the Philosophers and Politicians of France on the Subject of Religion and of the Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever. Northumberland: n.p., 1794.
—. The Use of Christianity, especially in Difficult Times; a Sermon [on Acts 20:32] delivered at the Gravel Pit Meeting in Hackney, March 30, 1794, being the Author's Farewell Discourse to his Congregation. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1794.
—. Discourses on the Evidences of Revealed Religion. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1794.
—. The Present State of Europe compared with Ancient Prophecies; A Sermon [on Matt. 3:2], preached at the Gravel Pit Meeting in Hackney, February 28, 1794, being the Day appointed for a General Fast. With a Preface, containing the Reasons for the Author's leaving England. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, 1794.
—. Observations on the Increase of Infidelity. Northumberland: Imprimé par Andrew Kennedy, 1795.
—. Unitarianism Explained and Defended. Philadelphie: Imprimé par John Thompson, 1796.
—. An Address to the Unitarian Congregation at Philadelphia, delivered on Sunday, March 5th, 1797. Philadelphie: Imprimé par Joseph Gales, 1797.
—. An Outline of the Evidences of Revealed Religion. Philadelphie: Imprimé par T. Dobson, 1797.
—. Letters to M. Volney, occasioned by a Work of his entitled Ruins. Philadelphie: Imprimé par Thomas Dobson, 1797.
—. A Comparison of the Institutions of Moses with Those of the Hindoos and Other Ancient Nations. Northumberland: n.p., 1797.
—. An Inquiry into the Knowledge of the Ancient Hebrews, concerning a Future State. Londres: Imprimé pour J. Johnson, par D. Levi, 1801.
—. A Letter to an Antipaedobaptist. Northumberland: Imprimé par Andrew Kennedy, 1802.
—. A Letter to the Reverend John Blair Linn in Defense of Socrates and Jews Compared. Northumberland: n.p. 1803.
—. A Second Letter to the Revd. John Blair Lann . . . in Reply to His Defense of the Doctrines of the Divinity of Christ and Atonement. Northumberland: Imprimé pour P. Byrne, Philadelphie, par Andrew Kennedy, 1803.
—. Notes on All the Books of Scripture, for the Use of the Pulpit and Private Families. Northumberland: Imprimé pour l'auteur par Andrew Kennedy, 1803.
—. Socrates and Jesus Compared. Philadelphie: Imprimé par P. Byrne, 1803.
—. The Originality and Superior Excellence of the Mosaic Institutions Demonstrated. Philadelphia: Imprimé par Andrew Kennedy, pour P. Byrne, 1803.
—. Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy, Compared with Those of Revelation. Northumberland: Imprimé par John Binns, 1804.
—. Index to the Bible. Philadelphia: n.p., 1804.
—. Four Discourses intended to have been delivered at Philadelphia. Northumberland: Imprimé par John Binns, 1806.
—. The Importance of Religion to Enlarge the Mind of Man; Considered and Illustrated in a Sermon.. Birmingham: Imprimé et vendu par J. Belcher & Son, 1808.
Écrits théologiques
Priestley par Ellen Sharples (1794)
Cette liste des écrits théologique de Piestley vient de "Selected Bibliography", dans la biographie de Piestley de Robert Schofield.
—. "Essay on the Harmony of the Evangelists." Theological Repository 2 (1770): 38-59, 98-122, 230-47, 313-27.
—. "Remarks on Romans v.12-14." Theological Repository 2 (1770): 154-58.
—. "Observations on the Harmony of the Evangelists." Theological Repository 3 (1771): 462-69.
—. "An Essay on the Analogy there is between the Methods by which the Perfection and Happiness of Men are promoted according to the Dispensations of Natural and Revealed Religion." Theological Repository 3 (1771): 3-31.
—. "Observations on Christ's Agony in the Garden." Theological Repository 3 (1771): 376-82.
—. "Observations on the Importance of Faith in Christ." Theological Repository 3 (1771): 239-43.
—. "Observations on Infant Baptism." Theological Repository 3 (1771): 231-39.
—. "The Socinian Hypothesis Vindicated." Theological Repository 3 (1771): 344-63.
—. "A Criticism on 1 Corinthians xv.27" Theological Repository 3 (1771): 255-56.
—. "Remarks on the Reasonings of St. Paul." Theological Repository 3 (1771): 86-105, 188-212.
—. "Observations on Christ's Proof of a Resurrection, from the Books of Moses." Theological Repository 1 (2nd ed., 1773): 300-303.
—. "Observations on the Apostleship of Matthias." Theological Repository 1 (2nd ed., 1773): 376-81.
—. "An Essay on the One Great End of the Life and Death of Christ, Intended more especially to refute the commonly received Doctrine of Atonement." Theological Repository 1 (2nd ed., 1773): 17-45, 121-36, 195-218, 247-67, 327-53, 400-30.
—. "Observations on Inspiration." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 17-26.
—. "Observations relating to the Inspiration of Moses." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 27-38.
—. "Of the Island on which the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 39-49.
—. "Remarks on Dr. Taylor's Key to the Apostolic Writings." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 57-69.
—. "A Query relating to the Rise of the Arian Doctrine." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 70-72.
—. "A Conjectural Emendation of Exod. xxiii:23." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 73-74.
—. "An Addition to the Paper, signed HERMAS, relating to the Island on which Paul was shipwrecked." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 75.
—. "A Query relating to the Doctrine of Plato, concerning the Divine Essence." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 76.
—. "Of the Doctrine of Plato concerning God, and the general System of Nature." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 77-97.
—. "Observations on the Prophets of the Old Testament." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 97-122.
—. "Animadversions on the Preface to the new edition of Ben Mordecai's Letters." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 180-86.
—. "A Proposal for correcting the English Translation of the Scriptures." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 187-88.
—. "Observations on the Inspiration of the Apostles." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 189-210.
—. "Observations on the Miraculous Conception." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 245-305.
—. "The History of the Arian Controversy." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 306-37.
—. "An Attempt to shew that Arians are not Unitarians." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 338-44.
—. "An Illustration of the Promise made to Abraham." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 361-3.
—. "A View of the Principles of the later Platonists." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 381-407.
—. "Of the Platonism of Philo." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 408-20.
—. "Observations on the Inspiration of Christ." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 433-61.
—. "Observations on the Prophecy concerning Shiloh." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 473-76.
—. "Of the Pre-existence of the Messiah." Theological Repository 4 (1784): 477-83.
—. "Observations on the Roman Census, mentioned Luke ii.1, unfavourable to the miraculous Conception." Theological Repository 5 (1786): 90-99.
—. "Miscellaneous Observations of the same Nature." 'Theological Repository 5 (1786): 100-108.
—. "A Supplement to the Illustration of the Promise made to Abraham." Theological Repository 5 (1786): 108-10.
—. "Observations on the Prophecies of the Old Testament quoted in the New." Theological Repository 5 (1786): 111-23.
—. "Observations on the Quotation of Isaiah, ix.1, 2. by the Evangelist Matthew." Theological Repository 5 (1786): 123-28.
—. "Observations on the Prophecies relating to the Messiah, and the future glory of the House of David." Theological Repository 5 (1786): 210-42, 301-16.
—. "An Attempt to prove the perpetual Obligation of the Jewish Ritual." Theological Repository 5 (1786): 403-44.
—. "Of the Perpetuity of the Jewish Ritual." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 1-21.
—. "Difficulties in the Interpretation of some Prophecies not yet fulfilled, and Queries relating to Them." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 203-208.
—. "An Account of the Rev. John Palmer, and of some Articles intended by him for this Repository." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 217-24.
—. "Observations on Christ's Agony in the Garden." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 302-22.
—. "Postscript to the Article signed PAMPHILUS, relating to a Case of bloody Sweat." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 347-48.
—. "A Query relating to the Origin of the low Arian Doctrine." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 376-82.
—. "Queries relating to the Religion of Indostan." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 408-14.
—. "The Observance of the Lord's Day vindicated." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 465-83.
—. "Of the Origin of the Arian Hypothesis." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 484-90.
—. "To the Public." Theological Repository 6 (1788): 491-93.