Marshall School of Business - Définition

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La Marshall School of Business, également connue sous le nom de USC Marshall School of Business, est une école de commerce de l'Université de Californie du Sud. C'est la plus grandes des 17 écoles professionnelles de l'USC. En 2010, le doyen est James G. Ellis. L'école porte le nom de Gordon S. Marshall, un alumnus qui donna 35 millions de dollars en 1997.

Anciens élèves notables

  • Dan Bane (B.S. '69) Chairman and CEO of Trader Joe's
  • Marc Benioff (B.S. ’86) Founder and CEO of
  • David Bohnett (B.S. ’78) Founder and former CEO of
  • Jim Breen (M.B.A. '79) Founder of Umbrella Entertainment Group
  • John Campbell (M.B.T. ’77) United States Congressman
  • Henry Caruso (B.S.) Founder of Dollar Rent-A-Car
  • Alan Casden (B.S. '68) Chairman and CEO of Casden Properties
  • Ronnie Chan (M.B.A) Chairman of Hang Lung Group and Hang Lung Properties in Hong Kong
  • Yang Ho Cho (M.B.A. ’79) President and CEO of Korean Airlines and Chairman of the Hanjin Group
  • Chris DeWolfe (M.B.A. ’97) Co-founder and CEO of MySpace
  • Vic Edelbrock, Jr. (B.S. '59) President and CEO of Edelbrock Automotive
  • Charles Elachi (M.B.A. ’78) Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
  • Joe Francis (B.S. ’95) Founder of Mantra Films
  • Marco Giannini (M.B.A.) Founder, President and CEO of DOGSWELL
  • Pat Gillick (B.S. ’58) General manager of the Philadelphia Phillies
  • Ivan Glasenberg (M.B.A. ’83) CEO of Glencore
  • Steve Goodall (B.S., M.B.A.) President of J.D. Power and Associates
  • Henry C. Gordon (M.B.A. ’66) X-20 Dyna-Soar astronaut
  • Steven Green (M.B.A. '77) Co-founder and President of Kibel Green, Inc.
  • Lloyd Greif (M.B.A. ’79) President and CEO of Greif & Co.
  • Tom Hicks (M.B.A. ’70) Businessman and owner of English soccer team Liverpool FC
  • Bradley Wayne Hughes (B.S. ’57) Founder and CEO of Public Storage
  • Hyekyung "Shelly" Hwang (M.B.A.) Co-founder of Pinkberry
  • Richard Knerr (B.S. ’47) Co-founder and former president of Wham-O
  • Lenny Krayzelburg (B.S. ’98) Olympic gold medalist
  • Terrence Lanni (B.S. ’65) Chairman and CEO of MGM Mirage
  • Paul Locatelli (Ph.D. ’71) President and professor of accounting at Santa Clara University
  • General William Lyon (B.S. ’46) Chairman and CEO of William Lyon Homes
  • Gordon S. Marshall (B.S. ’46) Founder of Marshall Industries (acquired by Avnet in 1999) and benefactor of the Marshall School of Business
  • Preston Martin (B.S. ’47, M.B.A. ’48) Founder of the PMI Mortgage Insurance Company; former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board
  • Steve McIntosh (B.S. ’84) Founder and president of Now & Zen, Inc.; an influential writer in the field of integral philosophy
  • Bob McKnight (B.S. ’76) Chairman and CEO of Quiksilver
  • Anthony Munoz (B.S. '76) Former National Football League Offensive Lineman
  • Pat Nixon (B.S. ’37) Former First Lady
  • Paul Orfalea (M.B.A. ’71) Founder of Kinko's
  • Torin Pavia (M.B.A.) Founder and CEO of Arbitech
  • Andrall E. Pearson (B.S. ’44) Former president of PepsiCo, founding chairman and CEO of Yum! Brands, Inc. and Harvard Business School Professor Emeritus
  • Mark Prior (B.S. ’04) Major League Baseball pitcher
  • Edward P. Roski (B.S. ’62) Chairman and CEO of Majestic Realty Co., part owner of the Los Angeles Kings and Los Angeles Lakers
  • Steve Saleen (B.S.) Founder and CEO of Saleen Performance, Inc.
  • Michele Tafoya (M.B.A. ’91) ESPN sportscaster

Enseignants notables

  • Warren Bennis - Distinguished Professor of Business Administration; named the "dean of leadership gurus" by Forbes magazine
  • Sarah Bonner - USC Associates Professorship in Accounting
  • Tim Campbell - Charles F. Sexton Chair in American Enterprise
  • Richard Chase - Justin Dart Professorship in Operations Management
  • Harry DeAngelo - Charles E. Cook/Community Bank Chair in Banking
  • Linda DeAngelo - Kenneth King Stonier Chair in Business Administration
  • Mark DeFond - Joseph A. DeBell Professorship in Business Administration
  • Shantanu Dutta - Dave and Jeanne Tappan Chair in Marketing
  • Valerie Folkes - USC Associates Chair in Business Administration
  • Thomas Gilligan - E. Morgan Stanley Chair in Business Administration
  • Gary Frazier - Richard and Jarda Hurd Chair in Distribution Management
  • Lawrence Harris - Fred V. Keenan Chair in Finance
  • William Holder - Ernst & Young Professorship in Accounting
  • Edward Lawler III - Distinguished Research Professor of Business and Director of the Center for Effective Organizations
  • Thomas Lin - Accounting Circle Professorship in Accounting
  • Lloyd Levitin - Professor of Finance
  • Deborah Macinnis - Charles L. and Ramona I. Hilliard Professor of Business Administration
  • Kenneth Merchant - Deloitte & Touche LLP Chair in Accountancy
  • Ian Mitroff - Harold Quinton Distinguished Chair in Business Policy and Professor of Management and Organization
  • Theodore Mock - Arthur Andersen & Co. Alumni Professorship in Accounting
  • Kevin Murphy - E. Morgan Stanley Chair in Business Administration and Kenneth L. Trefftzs Chair in Finance
  • C.W. Park Joseph A. DeBell Chair in Business Administration
  • Nandini Rajagopalan - Henry W. Simonsen Chair in Entrepreneurship
  • Alan C. Shapiro - Holder of Ivadelle and Theodore Johnson Professorship in Banking and Finance.
  • David Stewart Robert E. Brooker Chair in Marketing
  • K.R. Subramanyam Elaine and Kenneth Leventhal Research Fellow in Accounting
  • Gerard Tellis Jerry and Nancy Neely Chair in American Enterprise
  • Allen Weiss Dave and Jeanne Tappan Chair in Marketing
  • Randolph Westerfield - Charles B. Thornton Professorship in Finance
  • S. Mark Young - KPMG Foundation Professorship in Accounting, Marshall School of Business.
  • Fred Zufryden - Ernest Hahn Professorship in Marketing, Marshall School of Business.
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